Monday, April 20, 2009

How about teeth implants?

am wondering whether a bridge or implant, based on experience which one is implants hurt through the years and do they hurt if is cold or hot???

How about teeth implants?
I have a retainer attached to the bone, with the tooth attached to that. The procedure is expensive but worth every dime. As far feeling, who cares.
Reply:implants doesn%26#039;t hurt. Logically. in a false tooth are no nerves. I think. I%26#039;m not a pro
Reply:I have implants and love them. I think outside of having your own permanent teeth (which is the best of course) implants are wonderful. I have 8 implants on top and 6 on the bottom that holds a whole piece bridge unit that screws onto the implants.

No pain the implants mimic roots of our teeth. Bonds to the bone. I have no problems with cold or hot foods if that what you are asking. Cold weather doesn%26#039;t bother me but sinus infections do. I ache in my cheeks a bit more than before but tylenol takes care of it. But I have real issues with my sinuses so this may not be an issue with everyone.

family nanny

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