Sunday, August 2, 2009

How long does dental implants take?

im only 21 years young, yet i have bad gum problems. i need dental implants on two of my lower front tooth and one on the upper back. as a young social teenager, i would be horrified to be walking around with missing teeth. so does anyone know how long it will take from the time the decaying tooth is pulled out to the time of a new artificial tooth? ive heard about 1 day implants. is that possible for everyone? are there artificial dentures that can be worn over the spot of the missing tooth until the gums have healed?

How long does dental implants take?
There is a newer type of implant that has immediate placement of the crown and I have heard good things, sounds like the failure rate is about the same as traditional implants. It is not commonplace yet though, so you may have to check around and see who is doing it in your area and how many they have done, and whether this is an option for you. They are newer and I am not that knowledgeable about what criteria you need to be a candidate.

The traditional implant takes about 6 months before you will get the permanent crown. But as stated above, you can have a temporary flipper or temp partial made that is removable and will fill in the spaces until the implants are ready for the crowns.

It is great that you are going fo the implants, they are truly the best option!
Reply:The first thing you need to do is find a good periodontist. Along with you regular dentist, they can work out a plan for you. First, they should take an impression for what is called a "flipper" that is temporary teeth that you can have in there while you are waiting for the implants. Then they will pull the teeth, wait for that to heal, then you will see the perio person and they will screw in the implant. That takes a few months to heal, then when the implants heal, you will have crowns put on them. You will never know you had it done. Dont sweat it, modern dentistry is awesome! Good luck sweetie.
Reply:make sure you have enough bone ..make sure you have a good oral implant was put too far and broke my jaw...dec 2004, i have had 5 surgerys one more to go...will be done dec 2006, i bit down first time on right implant...and felt it crack last week , think he put it too far too...this is a nightmare...get good doctor...i still have to get a right sept..this is not fun..if they are done right they are very good..
Reply:Early loading of implants has its uses AND limitiations. Critical to communicate with your implant and the prosthetic team members. The doctor placing the implant may be anything from a General Practitioner to an Oral %26amp; Maxillofacial Surgeon... including Periodontists, Endodontists and Orthodontists (for anchorage)... the placement of implants requires continuing education and are, for he most part, straight forward in their placement (technically). From a functional and cosmetic/hygienic approach it is imperative that the implant team communicate and plan properly. There are many ways to skin the cat... many way to replace teeth... check on your provider,.. ask around and go with your gut... promises are usually not a good sign... replacement of single or a few anterior teeth is VERY difficult and often requires small surgeries or grafts to accomodate the loss of soft tissues after trauma or extractions, deoending on how the tooth/teeth was/were lost... get informed... that is the name of the game... Best of Luck!

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