Sunday, August 2, 2009

My braces I've had for a 1 yr & now need to put Implant in or take 3 teeth out???

I have to make the decison to either put an implant top left (as me teeth are moving to the left) to align them or take a tooth out from the top right and one from either side of the bottom to allign them...(3 teeth altogether), Also I have notice the top teeth underneath they are crooked/jagged as the bottom teeth are really nice straight and smooth??? Its not a vanity concern but a comfortability ongoing issue...

My braces I've had for a 1 yr %26amp; now need to put Implant in or take 3 teeth out???
If you are missing a tooth and old enough, then have an implant. Don't remove three teeth to correct missing one tooth, just because you lost it or never had this one develop. Hands down, do the implant if you are old enough. If your not old enough yet, use a flipper or other appliance until you are old enough for the implant.
Reply:From past experience I would go with the implants.

When you pull a tooth your gums recede and it causes

problems on down the line.

I am quite happy with my bottom implants.but had to have skin

grafts because gums had receded from previous tooth


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