Sunday, August 2, 2009

My braces I've had for a 1 yr & now need to put Implant in or take 3 teeth out???

I have to make the decison to either put an implant top left (as me teeth are moving to the left) to align them or take a tooth out from the top right and one from either side of the bottom to allign them...(3 teeth altogether), Also I have notice the top teeth underneath they are crooked/jagged as the bottom teeth are really nice straight and smooth??? Its not a vanity concern but a comfortability ongoing issue...

My braces I've had for a 1 yr %26amp; now need to put Implant in or take 3 teeth out???
It would be easier to yank the teeth, than trying to squeeze something in your mouth. Would it be more comfortable to have something new in your mouth, or to take something away? I think taking out the teeth would feel better.

family nanny

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