Sunday, August 2, 2009

My braces I've had for a 1 yr & now need to put Implant in or take 3 teeth out???

I have to make the decison to either put an implant top left (as me teeth are moving to the left) to align them or take a tooth out from the top right and one from either side of the bottom to allign them...(3 teeth altogether), Also I have notice the top teeth underneath they are crooked/jagged as the bottom teeth are really nice straight and smooth??? Its not a vanity concern but a comfortability ongoing issue...

My braces I've had for a 1 yr %26amp; now need to put Implant in or take 3 teeth out???
i had a similar situation. i got the implant because the thought of having one implant versus three teeth pulled seemed a lot easier and less invasive to me.
Reply:omg u poor thing!
Reply:Ask your trusted Dentist and Orthodonist what he/she would do if it were them.

Never short cut on your teeth or smile..... It costs more down the road to correct the mistake or "I should have done......."
Reply:I would say that the more teeth you have the better your bite. However, if you think you will have a better smile and can live with out 3 teeth, then do that. Personally I would put one implant in. It costs more but it is your body.
Reply:well if money isn't a concern then just do the implant. usually insurance doesn't cover the cost of the implant, which is around $2,000, but they will pay on the crown. it takes several months to do the implant but i think it would be better than having 3 teeth pulled. hope i helped.
Reply:what a ripp of u poor thing
Reply:I had 4 teeth pulled and jest got my braces off its not bad in the long run.

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