Saturday, July 25, 2009

Implant teeth how much it cost?

i wanna to know how much it cost implant teeth in malaysia

hospital and private

i need to know how much it cost,

are they upper RM1000 or down RM4000

one implant how much it cost,

i want to know in malaysia only

urgent please,,,,,,

Implant teeth how much it cost?
Reply:it can be as high as 5,000 dollrs
Reply:How much it cost to implant teeth depends on some factors. Some of this is the location of the teeth, then number of teeth involve, the dentist , the area, etc. However the actual price in Malaysia ranges from $200 to $500. You can go to for more information especially the cost in Malaysia as you desire.
Reply:i cant give you answer for the prices in malaysia but how i charge in my office is roughly $2000 per implant.

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